“Road Safety”~ a report by Tadhg (6th)




Road safety is a very important thing in our lives. Whether you are running, cycling, walking or driving, you should always follow the rules of the road. Over the last year, 114 people lost their lives on the road. These are some rules that you should follow, while on the road:

  • When you are running, walking or cycling at night or in bad weather you should always wear a high vis vest.
  • When you are cycling on the road cycle on the left side, when you are walking or running go on the right side of the road.
  • When you are crossing the road always look left and right and listen out for traffic while crossing.
  • When you are driving the car never look at your mobile phone, as you can get stuck into it and forget that you are driving and crash.
  • If you are sitting in the front seat of the car you have to be taller than 150cm and heavier than 36kg because if the car crashes the airbag would choke you.
  • When the light is red never drive straight through it, as someone might be crossing, and you could knock them down.
  • If you are driving a tractor, van or car, you have to be over 16 years of age.

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