Russia ~ a report by Emelia (6th)


Russia is a very interesting country so here are some facts about it.

  • The capital of Russia is Mosccow.
  • The population of Russia is 144, 125, 000.
  • The Russian flag is red, blue and white.
  • Russia’s major rivers are the Amur, Irtysh, Lena, Ob, Volga, Yenisey.
  • Russia is the worlds largest country by area.
  • Russia has the worlds largest railway.

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John Redmond- A fact file by Danny (6th)

John Redmond, born on the 01/09/1856 and died on the 06/03/1918 was an Irish nationalist politician, Barrister, and MP in the House of Commons of the UK. He was mostly known as the leader of the moderate Irish Parliamentary Party. From 1900 to his death in 1918, he was also the leader of the paramilitary organisation, the Irish National Volunteers.

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