- Worms have no eyes, ears or teeth but have five hearts.
- Earthworms don’t have lungs, they breathe through their skin. If there’s too much rain, earthworms will rise to the surface to breathe as they become starved of oxygen in water drenched soil.
- Light paralyses earthworms so if they’re out in on the surface for more than an hour, they won’t be able to retreat back into the safety of darkness and will die.
- There are around 3,000 species of earthworms around the world that ranges in size and colour from 1cm to 3m and from green to brown, blue to pink.
- The burrows that earthworms create act as ducts that water and oxygen can pass through, helping to keep soil moist and aerated, vital for good plant growth allowing roots to grow and develop.
Category Archives: Fun Facts about Earthworms
Facts about Earthworms ~ A report by Caitlin (6th)
- There are 26 different species of worms in the UK.
- Worms can move an amazing amount of soil for there small size. A worm can eat its own weight in soil in one day.
- Earthworms breathe through their skin, so they have to come to the surface when it rains or risk drowning.
- earthworms burrow through the soil creating channels that add oxygen to the soil and allow carbon dioxide to escape. The channels also allow rain to drain away
- Earthworms also range in length from a tiny one millimetre to a massive three metre.
- Also worms don’t have eyes and prefr the dark. They can sense light and dark and they prefer dark conditions because they are easily damaged by UV rays and will dry out quicky.
Facts about earthworms by Emma (6th)
Earthworms are the world’s unsung heroes. They mix up soil and break it down. They also fertilise the soil. Earthworms are quite long. Continue reading
5 Facts about Earth Worms ~ by Caoimhe (6th)
There are over 3,000 different types of earthworms.
- Earthworms are a sign of healthy soil.
- They are often reddish or brown.
- They can dip to almost 6ft under ground.
- Earthworms spend almost all of their life under water.
Facts about worms ~ facts by Emily (6th)
There are 26 different types of worms in the UK.
- A worm can eat its own weight in soil in one day.
- Worms eat soil and fallen leaves.
- If you cut a worm in two only the head will survive so the damage isn’t too severe.
- Worms do not have eyes and they prefer the dark.
- Earthworms range in length from one millimetre to three metres.
- Earthworms are both male and female in one body.