What is a poverty cycle

For example A person had a child but didn’t have enough money to feed her child so her child had to drop out of school at age 12. Since she didn’t have a great education she couldn’t get a good job even though she was very hard working. Then she had a child and her child had to drop out of school age 10 to work and earn money. She didn’t get an education and no matter how hard she worked she couldn’t get a good job without an education.

~A report by Emily (6th)

Unfair treatment in develoment



Farmers sell their products to big companies who make lots of money by selling their products overseas. They don’t pay the people who they get the products from enough. The bad thing is they can do nothing about it because no one else will buy their products and they need to sell their products to someone or they will have no money. They also don’t pay to people who work for the company enough. Which is not a good thing either. The good news is there are people trying to fix this problem so people who don’t have much money will get the right amount of money for their products.