World Revolutions ~ Reign of Terror

 Reign of Terror 

The French hoped to spread The French Revolutions motto ” Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” all around Europe.

The Rich were worried there land was going to get destroyed during the Revolution. In 1793, a Government was formed called The Committee of Public Safety its role  was to protect.

Maximillien Robespierre was one of the leaders who declared anyone who was oppossed to the revolution were to be executed. In 1795 Maxiillien Robespierre was guillotined. A new constitution was written in 1795

~ a report by Eimear (6th)

World Revolutions ~ National Assembly of France

National Assembly of France

In June, The National Assembly of France was made, This was the start of change, a month later The Bastille in Paris was attacked by a mad group of Rebels, This was what started the French Revolution.

The National Assembly of France accepted the Declaration of the right of man and citizen. King Louis XVI was executed in 1793.

~ a report by Eimear (6th)

World Revolutions ~ Revolutionary Ideas

Revolutionary Ideas

The Middle Class and The Peasants, became more and more resentful of all the power The Nobles had, The Middle Class were struggling to pay all the high taxes, that were demanded.

The Middle class and Peasants knew about the revolution in America, and got and idea to remove the king and the nobles.

Some writers even agreed that it was wrong for the king to have so much power, and the Nobles get “special treatment” and that the Catholic Church was too wealthy.

~ a report by Eimear (6th)

World Revolutions ~ Social Problems

ESocial Problems

In 1774, King Louis XVI became the ruler of France. Which means he was in complete control and did not have to go by any Government rules. France was divided into three different classes The Nobles, The Middle class and The Peasants.

The Nobles would be very rich many lived on huge estates and they payed very little tax, The Middle class were professionals they paid high tax they resented the rich lifestyles of the Nobles.

~ a report by Eimear (6th)

World Revolutions ~ American War of Independence

American War of Independence

In 1777, all the colonists were in the middle of a war against the British. After awhile the French joined the colonists in 1778. Three years later the British finally surrendered at battle of Yorktown in Virginia.

Every colony is now known as a state and each one has its own political  assembly then the American had 13 stripes and 13 stars for the 13 original colonies.

~ a report by Eimear (6th)

World Revolutions ~ American Declaration of Independence

American Declaration of Independence

the British to punish the colonists in Massachusetts but, they all stuck together. Some of the colonists went to the first Continental Congress and published a Declaration of Rights. This declared that Britain would not be allowed to tax the Colonies and  British troops would not be based in the colonies.

George Washington was stated commander and chief of the new army. Thomas Jefferson wrote a document called the Declaration of Independence, it was signed by all the members of the continental Congress on July 4th 1776.

~a report by Eimear (6th)

World Revolutions ~ Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party

The British Government decided to tax the colonies in North America in order to raise the money needed to govern them, which brought in the stamp act. Which taxed item such as newspaper and playing cards. The colonists disagreed. The British Government abandoned the stamp act.

Instead they put an import tax on glass,paper,paint and tea in the colonists in 1773. The colonists in Boston dumped a cargo of tea in the sea which then started the beginning  of a revolution.

~a report by Eimear (6th)


World Revolutions ~ Colonies of North America


Colonies of North America

In 1750, France controlled Canada, and the land around it.

Britain controlled the east coast of America which divides into 13 different colonies, British, Swedish, German, Dutch and Irish emigrants lived in these colonies.

Each of the British colonies in America had its own parliment. In 1756, the French tried to take control of the 13 British colonies, and a war broke out. The French were defeated in 1763.

World Revolutions ~ What is a Revolution?

What is a Revolution?

A Revolution is a movement or activity made to bring out a great change.A political revolution involves the use of force or a government.

There has been many Revolutions in world history. A Revolution normally starts with a Revolution in another country.

~ a report by Eimear (6th)