Communication ~ Communication in Space

Hello it’s Ryan, today I will be typing about communication space.

In 1977 NASA launched Voyager 1 and 2 to study the solar system. These probes transmit data NASA’s headquarters in the US via the deep space network.

There is no air in space so you can’t talk to other people unless you are on a space ship that has air.

~ a report by Ryan (6th)

Communication ~ Typing

Hello again it’s Ryan, today i will be typing about typing.

Nowadays you can type on your phone, computer or laptop. The first thing you could type on was a type writer. Have you ever wondered why on keyboards it is qwerty well it used to by abcdef. On old type writers it was but it often got jammed because most pared letters where together so it got jammed.

~ a report by Ryan (6th)

Communication ~ Typing

Hello again it’s Ryan, today i will be typing about typing.

Nowadays you can type on your phone, computer or laptop. The first thing you could type on was a type writer. Have you ever wondered why on keyboards it is qwerty well it used to by abcdef.

On old type writers it was but it often got jammed because paired letters were together so it got jammed easily. With qwerty the layout letters that were pairs are apart which allowed for faster typing.

~a report by Ryan (6th)

Communication ~ Printing

Hello it’s Ryan, today I will be typing about printing.

The Printing press was made by johannes Gutenberg in 1450AD.

The invention was huge as it allowed books to be made quicker than by hand and in different languages.

we need printing to print books to read and for important pieces of paper.

~a report By Ryan (6th)

Communication ~ Pictograms




Hello it’s me Ryan, today I will type about Pictograms.

Pictograms were used in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. They wrote on clay tablets. Later they wrote with hieroglyphs

Pictograms are still used today on the roads. there are different types of signs on the road so drivers know were to go, what to do and for warnings .

~ a report by Ryan (6th)

Communication ~ Writing

Hello its me Ryan I now I haven’t posted i a while.

Writing was invented in a long time ago in ancient China. There are two main styles of writing, print and cursive.

Some people write left to right and some people write right to left. There are a lot of languages to write in, there are different alphabets with different letters.

There are different pens and pencils that you can use to write.

~ a report by Ryan (6th)

Communication ~ Spoken Language

Hello it is Ryan again. Today I will write about spoken language.

Spoken language is the most important communication method. There are more than 7,000 languages in the world today. every year there are about 26 languages that disappear!

The three most spoken languages are Mandarin 1st, Spanish 2nd and English 3rd. Someone who can speak two languages is called polyglot.

~ a report by Ryan (6th)