The Home Rule Crisis ~ The Home Rule Bill is Defeated

Hi everyone i’m back with another post and today I will be writing about the Home Rule Bill being defeated.I hope you enjoy.

The Home Rule Bill was defeated in June 1886, when the Conservatives and the 93 Liberals voted against it. When the Protestants in Ulster heard of the defeat they left work early to celebrate. Bands marched and bonfires were lit

Rioting broke out for weeks between June and mid-September. There were battles on the street between those for and against home rule. More than 30 people were killed

a report by Luke (6th)

The Home Rule Bill of 1886 ~ The Home Rule Party

Hi again its Luke with another post I hope you like it.

Gladstone was in favour of Home Rule in Ireland. He proposed the Home Rule Bill in 1886, which would end in a Parliament being created in Dublin with control over Irish domestic  affairs such as agriculture, education and transport.

The Conservatives opposed to Home Rule. Many Irish Protestants were against were also against it, as they did not wish to not be ruled by a Catholic parliament.

So the Ulster Protestants joined forces with the Conservatives to try to take down the Bill. Northern Ireland’s MPs formed a parliamentary group, who’s aim was to keep union with Britain

a report by Luke (6th)

The Home Rule Crisis ~ The Home Rule Party

Hello everyone it’s Luke and this is my second post about The Home Rule Crisis.

I will be talking about The Home Rule Party.

Charles Stewart Parnell was the leader of The Home Rule Party in the 1880s.

The Land war had achieved some success, so Parnell turned his attention to Home Rule in Ireland. He reorganised the party, making it in to a more serious organisation of the day.

Each candidate had to pledge to sit and vote with the party whole.Parnell’s aim was to lead a united party that would be strong enough to infuence the two main British parties : The Liberals and The Conservatives

a report by Luke (6th)


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