”The Circulatory System” ~ by Darragh B. (6th)

The Circulatory System

I learned about the circulatory system in school. Here is what I learned.

The circulatory system circulates blood around your body. Its main elements are the heart, blood vessels and blood. Your heart is a very important organ that pumps blood around your body.

Your blood carries oxygen, food, water and other waste products around your body. Your blood travels through your blood vessels. Arteries and veins are the main types of blood vessel.

Your arteries take your blood away from your heart and takes it to the rest of your body. The blood in your arteries has oxygen in it which is needed for the body. The oxygen then goes to your lungs that need it.

Your veins do the opposite to your arteries they carry blood back to the heart. The blood in your veins has carbon dioxide in it. Carbon dioxide is a waste product. The carbon dioxide then travels from your veins to your lungs where we breath it out.

~ the circulatory system by Darragh B. (6th)