Feasts and Festivals in Ireland ~ a Conclusion


National Ploughing Championship 2020 | Midlands Park Hotel

Hello everyone!!! I hope ye enjoyed all my posts about feasts and festivals. From the Celtic year, and the Imbolg feast, to the Bealtaine, Samhain and Lúnasa festivals, equinoxes and solstices and modern festivals and fairs.

I never knew that the Samhain festival is now called Halloween. Did you Know that?

I hope you learned something new about feasts and festivals and once again I want to thank you for reading all my posts and I’ll be doing a geography project in March.

~a conclusion by Tadhg (6th)

Feasts and Festivals in Ireland ~ Lúnasa

All about Lughnasadh – Claddagh Design

Hello everyone, and welcome back!!! Today I’ll be teaching ye about the Lúnasa festival.

Lugh (or Lug) was a major Celtic god. He was linked with the sun, summer and harvests.

Lúnasa was a festival that marked the start of the harvest season. People often danced at the festival. Lúnasa was on in Ireland until the twentieth century.

I hope ye enjoyed today’s post and make sure to read the next one!!!

~ a report by Tadhg (6th)



Feasts and Festivals in Ireland ~ The Celtic Year

The Celtic Wheel of The Year | Kripalu

Hello everyone, and welcome back!! Today I will be telling you about The Celtic Year. Let’s get into it!

A lot of feasts and festivals in Ireland are from Celtic times. The Celtic year was divided into two parts: A ‘time of darkness’ (from November to May) and a ‘time of light’ (from May to November).

The Celtic year has four big feasts: The Imbolg (February 1st), Bealtaine (May 1st), Lúnasa (August 1st) and Samhain (November 1st).

Some people call the Celtic year a wheel with four spokes – related to the Celtic cross.

I hope ye learned something new about the Celtic year!!!

Thanks for reading my post and make sure to read the next one!!!

~ a report by Tadhg (6th)


Feasts and Festivals in Ireland ~ An Introduction

National Ploughing Championships - Wikipedia

Hi my name is Tadhg and over the next month, I will be doing a big project on Feasts and Festivals in Ireland.

I’ll be posting stuff about The Celtic Year, The Imbolg Feast, Bealtaine, Lúnasa and Samhain Festivals; Equinoxes and Solstices, and Modern Festivals and Fairs in Ireland.

I’ll probably do 1 or 2 posts every week for the next month.

So stay tuned for the latest content!!!

~ an introduction by Tadhg (6th)